Thursday 8 February 2018

Signs of FeLV in Aegean Cats

The FeLV virus in cats is sadly a common virus that affects numerous cats each year. FeLV stands for the Feline Leukemia Virus. The best way to protect your Aegean cat from FeLV is to have him tested annually and to find out if he qualifies for a vaccine. Vaccinations are generally reserved for cats that are at a high risk of catching the disease including older cats, young cats, and cats living in close quarters (i.e. a shelter or rescue). If you’re afraid your cat already as the FeLV virus, ask yourself if you’ve noticed any of the following symptoms of the virus. Symptoms include pale gums, yellow coloring of the mouth and whites of the eyes, enlarged lymph nodes, bladder infections, skin infections, upper respiratory infections, weight loss, loss of appetite, poor coat condition, weakness, lethargy, fever, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and sterility in female cats. Consult with your veterinarian Tampa, FL to learn more.

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